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You step out on the open road, you see this one person making all the noise. The incessant laughter, the merry talks, the joker in your circus -- that's all me. You take a look around, and laugh, and then wonder how irritating, and in-your-face can he be -- that's all me. You might tolerate him, you might understand him; but you'll never be able to miss him -- that's all me. A li'l 'ere, a li'l there; the story doesn't change. You move ahead.. And Yesterday maintains its status quo. So on, so on.. And, the moment you patiently break through the high walls, and step inside the deep thoughts, you learn that the outside show is just a masquerade; a reason for everyone to believe that the world is at peace with itself -- that's all me. A reason for you to believe that a life of love, peace, beauty, forgiveness, hope, friendship, and redemption does exist. A life where the only thought that you share, is laughter -- that's all me. And then, it all comes out in writing...

Friday, March 25, 2011


Teenage years are the most difficult period in a person's life. Write about the difficulties you faced while growing up - XIIth Std., 2nd term - 26/11/2009.

ADOLESCENCE: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.

One often gets to hear that the teenage years of a person are the most difficult period in his life. His mental, and physical self is in a state of constant change, and in these seven - eight years, one is in a perpetual state of conflicting thoughts, emotions, feelings, and the likes. This statement has been used, and overused to the point of it being called a cliche; and a piece of advice that every twelve year old is subjected to before he enters those ghastly years of turmoil.

For me, it has been no different. I, as everyone else, have been a victim of society, subject to its command without any prior intimidation. Growing up, I have learned that nothing is as imagined. The flower that I dreamt of as a child, was actually a thorn; and the bird I saw flying in the distance, was just a farce. Since our days of younghood, people always tell us to not fear the dark. They say that there always is light at the end of the tunnel. What I don't understand is why these apostles never talk about actually feeling the light, rather than merely seeing it! All they talk about is the sight of it, and they expect us to be pleased by it!

The most prevalent hurdle that one faces is the change in their minds- that internal conflict. When I was in my initial teenage years, I always considered society at large to be my enemy. I failed to realise that the actual change was taking place within me, and I failed to get adapted to the changing times. Studies also played a nefarious role. Education, and schooling are two entirely different concepts. Education is synonymous with learning, and knowledge. Truth. Whereas, schooling means just one thing- exams! "I only want to enjoy my childhood, Ma." This is what I told my mother, and she replied saying, "There will be enough time for you to enjoy once you are well settled in life."

Exams are probably the single largest cause of teenage suicidal deaths in the last decade. It is no surprise that the Indian Cabinet is making plans to make the Xth Board Exams optional. So much just to reduce stress levels!

The teenage years are the most formative years of one's life. It is a transition period when one bids farewell to a toddler, and shakes hands with adulthood. In order to do so, one has to be socially acceptable. An outcast has to place to seek solace, and so he takes to drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Some do it to be accepted by their peers, while others do it to hit back at the same society that churned them out. But for me, the fight to abstain from such illicit habits is probably the biggest challenge of all! After all, one doesn't know what's right or wrong, till he has a dose of both.

My extremely inflated ego, and overheated imagination is another cause of concern. I continue to have countless fall-outs with many erstwhile good friends, all because of my ego. The ordeal I face is that I know the aberration, but I don't know how to rectify it. Or maybe, I don't want to. Day-to-day affairs become heavy, and I feel weighed down by chains as I stand lost, in the middle of a long, dark corridor. My instinct tells me to break away from these chains, but my lovely teenage mind will rather sit, and stare into oblivion, knowing not what went by, nor what comes next.

Parents! The cause of all domestic problems for an imbecile. For years, I resented their motivating me, teaching me, loving me, and tolerating me. I felt that they did that as a household norm, and not because they cared for me. It is only now, and through great holy luck, that I have realised my utter folly. Or else, it might 've been so late that it wouldn't even 've mattered!

"It takes twenty years for a woman to make a man out of her son, but only twenty days for another to make a fool out of him." The occasional feelings that every boy has for a girl can often prove to be fatal. Not only this, but it can also cause many entangling complications with a rival guy friend, simultaneously marring relations among 'em all!

With all my criticism of everything around me, I often wonder how I'm still living in all of it like a "jolly good fellow"! I wonder why I tend to come back stronger every day! Is it because tomorrow is always another day? Or is it because criticism is actually my only prerogative, and everything around me isn't as bad as I imagine it to be?! I come to the conclusion that, with the worst part of my teenage life behind me, I don't need to fear a tomorrow. Looking back, I would actually love to relive all these years I spent complaining. Why? 'cause I enjoyed every moment of the good, and bad times in those days! They call this a paradox, an irony, and an insignia of our age! But then, I can't really blame them either. After all, I'm in a state where I'm no longer a boy; not yet a man!

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